Sunday, January 27, 2013

Abdominal Core #4 Program (Moderate Intensity)
Important note for today's program...PLEASE HAVE A SOFT SURFACE OR MAT
to do the exercises. Your Elbows will thank you for it!!

Do each exercise with only 15 seconds of rest between sets and NO REST between each exercise!!
Crunch with Twist
Perform this exerices alternating between a twist to the right or left knee
returning to starting position
DO 2 sets of 20 reps
then with minimal to no rest, go right into the next exercise!

Basic Plank

Hold the top position for 5 seconds and return to starting position
Perform 3 sets of 8 reps
From here, go right into the next position
Plank with Donkey Kick

Get into the Basic Plank Position and while holding this position, perform
the kicks as shown.
Do 3 sets of 15 kicks per leg
with no rest, start with the next exercise:

Plank to Side

Do 3 sets of 8 for each side

Then end with the
Side Bridge

Do 3 sets of 10 on each side

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Glute and Core Program #5: Glute Activation Program for the New Year!!

Glute Activation Program to help kickstart a healthy, pain free New Year!!
If your NEW YEAR's Resolution involve getting fit, losing weight, having healthier spine or joints, here is a great exercise program to start the New Year. Perform this program along with other core and glute programs in previous posts to kickstart your Resolution!!
Hip Flexor Stretch
Hip Flexor Stretch
With both feet pointing forward raise one foot up onto a platform (stairs or chair would be good).  Contract the glute (you should feel the front of your hip stretch) and drive your knee forward.  At the end of the stretch take the arm, same side the leg is down is the side that you reach over with
Bridges on Heels with T-Band -(3 sets of 15 reps)
Lie on your back with your knees bent with T-band above the knees.   Your feet should be hip distance apart and toes should be up, driving your heels into the ground.  Neutral Spine. Take a deep breath in, expanding into your back and your lungs. Exhale: Keeping your torso in one flat piece, press your feet into the mat and squeeze your butt as you lift your hips up off the mat. Come up high enough that your body makes a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Don’t press up so high that you can’t see your knees. Inhale: Maintain the Bridge position. Exhale: Still holding the bridge, think of knitting your ribs down to your belly, squeeze your butt, and try to lengthen through the front of your hips. Inhale: Hold the Bridge position. Exhale: Maintain Neutral Spine as you come back down to the mat
Begin lying on side with knees together and bent to 90 degrees. Support head with your hand or with pillow.  Activate core. Squeeze your glute and lift knee upward while keeping soles of shoes touching. Continue lifting knee to the point just before pelvis begins to move. Keeping core activated is essential to isolating hip muscles and not moving pelvis.  Perform exercise for 10 repetitions on each side for 2 set
Side Lying Abduction (3 sets of 15 reps)
Begin lying on side on the floor with legs extended. Top leg should attain a straight line through hip and shoulder. Bottom leg may be bent for added stability.  Foot should be flexed pulled in towards your face and parallel to the floor.  Activate core muscles, neutral spine. Top leg should be slightly back, activating glutes.  Lift top leg upward, abducting leg, holding for 5 seconds. Slowly return to start position and repeat for 10 repetitions on each side for 2 sets
Hip Hinge w/ Dowel (2 sets of 10 reps)
Holding a dowel or a rod behind you, stand tall with core activated.  Keeping your chest up, shoot your hips back and try to touch the dowel with your bottom.  Remember to keep a neutral back and bend at the hips.  **You should be flex at your hips, not your knees. Only a slight knee bend is expected. Squeeze your glutes and drive your hips forward as you stand
HIP HINGE w/ 3 Points of Contact
Stand tall with core activated, feet hips distance apart.  Maintain three points of contact throughout the exercise; back of head, thoracic spine and bottom.  Keeping your chest up, shoot your hips back as you maintain proper contact with the dowel.  Remember to keep a neutral back and bend at the hips. Squeeze your glutes and drive your hips forward as you stand