Sunday, November 25, 2012

Glute Program #2: Prevent Back Pain with Core AND Glute Exercises

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Back Pain may be prevented by combining Core and Glute Exercises!!

We spoke on the last blog about MASTERING the ABDOMINAL BRACING

Now to advance the Glute Program Further

Glute Program #2: Key Tip of the day -- Hold the top (or bottom) of the position and Hold it for 5 seconds! simply count in your mind 5 "Mississippis"

The Pelvic Thrust: A ball or Towel can be placed at the 
Feet and as the picture shows, place the arms in front of you
and while the knees are in a bent position, simply raise
your pelvis forward and maintaining a straight
"Bridge" from the knees and shoulders. Hold the
Bridge for 5 seconds 

In this Exercise: you start off with the Bridge position. 
As with the previous exercise, you can have a ball or a roll 
a towel at your feet.  Simply thrust one of your knees forward 
as shown. Hold this position for about 5 seconds and
go to the starting position. NOTE: you can choose to do
one leg at a time or alternate right and left knee

Squatting Parallel without weights:
Simply start at a standing position and with
arms extended in front of you for balance,
Squat down keeping your back straight, 
chest out and your KNEES DO NOT
travel forward!!! Squat down
until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
To make this exercise easier, you can hold on 
to the back of chair as you squat down.
Key Tip: hold the bottom of the squat for 5 seconds 
before squatting upwards!!! This will enhance the burn

As with the previous program...Do 2 sets of each exercise for 15 - 20 reps.  You can progress to 3 sets of 20 - 25 reps!!
Please rest only 30 seconds between each set

Abdominal Bracing may prevent Back PAIN

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Abdominal Bracing may not only treat Back pain but may also prevent it based on recent studies (1)

The key to abdominal bracing is the contract the abdominal muscles, the back muscles and pelvic floor and we spoke about it previously in our sports medicine and physical therapy blog. In fact, we do this all the time instinctively. For instance, imagine lying flat on your back and all of sudden, a heavy object falls from above like a bowling ball that is about to land on your stomach. What are you going to do? Other than move from that spot, you are likely going to INSTINCTIVELY brace your stomach. It is the same instinct to brace when you cough, laugh at a funny joke or when you brace your stomach/abdomen when someone tickles you there or tries to punch you in that area. Everyone has this bracing reflex!!!

 So focus on contracting your abdomen the way you brace your abs instinctively as I have spoken about but IN ADDITION, contract your back muscles AND contracting your pelvic muscles as if you were holding in your urine or fight the urge to go to the bathroom but YOU REALLY HAVE TO GO. Practice this bracing technique while lying down and hold it for 30 seconds or more while taking in short breaths. You can probably hold this abdominal brace for 2 straight minutes before you relax. Take a deep breath in and out....and then repeat the brace for another minute or two. In as little as 5 minutes a day, you can help prevent back pain from recurring. Of course, combine bracing with other core stabilizing exercises and work on your glute muscles to optimize your orthopedic health!!


 1) Hides, J et al. Long-Term Effects of Specific Stabilizing Exercises after First-Episode Low Back Pain. 2001 Spine; Vol 26. No 11. pp E 243-E248

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Basic Glute-Buttock Program

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Prevent Back Pain by simply following the suggested programs every week that we post an exercise routine.  

You can even use it as a warm-up before your intense exercise program

This introductory Glute Program as featured in the sports medicine and physical therapy PSSM blog

Before starting this and any exercise program, please check with your physician or qualified health professional.  Warm up first by simply walking comfortably for 5 minutes on a treadmill or around your city block .
Jump right into the hip flexor stretch!

This Step Up exercise starts with one leg on a lower
step and another on a higher step; the LOWER leg (black leg above)
will step up as if you were bringing the knee close to your
chest (knee is about 90 degrees)

Do Each exercise for one set for 15-20 reps.  Progress to 2 sets and rest 30 seconds between each set and exercise EACH LEG!!

For those who have a Tablet like Ipad, you can view the interactive format....JUST TOUCH THE SCREEN AND TURN THE PAGE AS IF IT WAS A BOOK!!!

Introduction of Back Pain Prevention by Joseph Jimenez, MD -- co-founder and co-owner of Performance Spine & Sports Medicine in Lawrenceville, NJ and Performance Spine & Sports Medicine of Newtown, PA