Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Abdominal Core and Glute Strengthening Program for the Summer

                                                       Core + Glute Program #7
Mobility Exercise to enhance joint range of motion:
Do each exercise for one set of 15 reps for each leg 

Hip Flexor Stretch

Piriformis Stretch

Leg Twists

For each exercise, use a comfortable weight that allow you to do 3 sets of 15 - 20 reps WITHOUT FAILURE. 

In other words, if you do a dumbell exercise with a weight that only allows you do 10 reps before you are
unable to complete the next set, this weight is too heavy!!
Rest only one minute between sets!


To this safely, activate or brace your core, maintain 

proper spine posture, chest straight and out in front of you and buttocks
are thrusted back ward with the knees slightly bent

Squats with Kettlebell (or dumbell)

Maintain proper posture as in the deadlift and never

allow your knees to come forward!!

Hamstring Curls

Low Cable Hip Extension