Saturday, April 13, 2013

Core Program #6: Enhance your flexibility and Core Abdominal strength

Take minimal rest between sets <15 seconds this time around or until you catch your breath!!

Core Activated Heel Taps
Lying on your back, roll your hips toward you (tuck your tailbone under) and activate your core.  Bring your legs up (with your knees bent and 90 degrees) and have your hips and 90 degrees.  Keeping your back flat to the ground, slowly alternate tapping one heel to the ground.  TAKE A BREAK ONCE YOU ARE UNABLE TO KEEP YOUR BACK FLAT TO THE GROUNDDo this for a total of 3 sets

Core Activated Single Leg Bridge

For each Leg Do 3 sets of 15 reps
With minima rest, go into the:

                                                                             Pelvic Thrust

Notice for this version, you can have your foot on a ball or towel. If 
you choose to have your feet on the floor instead, then you can
use your heels to touch the floor and your hands forward!!

Do 3 sets of 10 reps

Plank Protraction

Do 2 sets of 10 reps

Finish off with INCHWORM (walks)

From a standing position with your feet slightly apart, engage your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine. Gently exhale and bend forward from your hips ("hip hinging"). Try to keep your knees straight (but not locked). Slowly lower your torso towards the floor until you can place your fingers or palms of your hands on the floor in front of your body. If your hamstrings are tight, you may need to bend your knees slightly. Try to keep the spine flat. Slowly begin to walk your hands forward, away from your feet. Your heels will begin to rise off the floor. Continue walking your hands forward until you reach a full-push-up position where your spine, hips and head are level with the floor (plank position). Slowly begin walking your feet forward towards your hands, taking steps without moving your hands. Maintain a flat spine throughout and continue walking until your feet are close to your hands.
Do 3 sets of 5 walks!!